Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Canadian Music Week - More than being in the right place at the right time...

Canadian Music Week was a wonderful success. I had a couple of people attend from different radio stations come to see the show, Exclaim! Magazine also came to review the show and both got back to me with positive and exciting reviews.

It's interesting to me though as CMW promotes itself as a 'great way of getting exposure', etc, etc...since this is not a paid gig for new and upcoming artists, they sort of sell it to you by saying that many 'labels' come out and 'important names' come to see artists perform. It's a mean green moneymaking industry and so much of it is smoke and mirrors. The sooner artists realize this, the better. It's cold, selfish, and a lot of hard work. So you have to take it into your own hands...

Well with over 800 bands playing throughout the week and well over 150 venues, it's quite unlikely that someone will be at YOUR particular performance. This process made me realize that networking is a whole lot more than waiting around for someone to notice you. It requires initiative on the artist's part, a business mind, determination, and of course, last but not least, talent.

The result of my invitation to Mary Kirk of Wave 94.7 has provided a wonderful portal to access people 'higher up' in the pyramid. She thoroughly enjoyed my originals and overall performance, and has since called me on behalf on Jane Harbury, to participate in her showcase "Discoveries" at Hugh's room on May 31st, a well known Canadian showcase with Ms. Harbury, a prestigious publicist in Toronto. This process has so far been living proof to me that regardless of what industries and media tell us, there are most definitely efforts we must put forward to excel ourselves into our chosen careers, regardless of what they may be! We must not be swayed by the fancy jargon and offers that 'showases' and 'special events' entice people with; rather, we need to go in with the mindset that a decent effort is also required on our parts to make our goals materialize into reality.

It's more than 'the right place at the right time', and I am looking so forward to continuing to take advantage of the future opportunities we create for ourselves! The following link is a clip from the show. More to come...Please also check out Hugh's Room website for information about May 31st within the next couple weeks.


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