Thursday, November 25, 2010

A Life Well Lived on Facebook

Ironically, as I was browsing my facebook news feed, I came across an interesting link called “A Life Well Lived on Facebook” Unfortunately it was a while ago and I cannot find the link anymore. Hopefully some of you have seen it already because I found it really interesting, but also kind of eerie that we are the generation that this is basically happening to. The video shows this guy’s life unfolding on facebook from status updates of “being in a relationship” to being tagged in a video that shows him cheating on his gf, which is then followed by a “single” status. It also shows how he meets his future wife through a series of “pokes” and facebook private messages. I just thought this was interesting because I see it happening with my friends today. Personally I’m not the type to put my entire life’s story on facebook but that’s just me.

Continuing on with the discussion of facebook, my boyfriend tells me one night there is a hilarious South Park episode I just MUST see because it describes our "situation." Basically I deleted my boyfriend off of facebook one night after I got extremely angry that I couldn’t “stalk” (not literally but you all know what i mean) his page how it was meant to be stalked. It sounds really irrational and immature, but my boyfriend is Persian so a lot of his statuses and posts are in farsi and I do not speak or read farsi. Essentially, he was defeating the fundamental purpose of us being “friends” on facebook. Thus, I removed him as a friend to eliminate further anguish... problem solved. You may laugh, but I was furious at the time. Which brings me to the South Park episode entitled “You have 0 friends” Here’s the link you can watch it on the comedy network online for free (viewer discretion advised lol):

It was actually pretty funny. Basically one of the characters, Stan, gets made a facebook page by his friends. He is against facebook because he doesn’t want to get “sucked in” to it. A lot of events unfold that may be typical of any facebook user. Anyway, it was a good episode, and illustrates how Stan unwillingly becomes a victim of facebook as his profile becomes its own entity.

The moral of the story is that facebook can make people do irrational things (including myself) and act in strange ways. It's like having a window into our friends' lives, but one that is taken out of context which in my opinion can be troublesome especially for close relationships. My boyfriend and I make fun of it now, but we're still not friends on facebook ;)

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