Friday, December 31, 2010


After watching the movie, "The Social Network," by David Fincher, I came to a certain realization that the new website "Facebook," is taking over daily social interaction, as we no longer rely on daily communication without using technology.

Millions of people daily are using cellphones, instant messaging systems, as well as Facebook to communicate with each other.  This technological development clearly provides efficiency as we no longer need to communicate with others directly.

I feel as though there are a lot of problems developing because of this new technology.  First of all, from personal experience of using Facebook, it allows more conflict to develop between people as people know more information about you, such as your education, your birthdate, your relationships.  I realized that Facebook is an icon that allows more people to know unnecessary information about certain things, and therefore, people can use this against you in future predicaments.

As technology has developed over the years, people have become increasingly obsessed with personal information, to the point where the masses are craving more information about individuals.  Personally, I believe that as Facebook continues to grow, people will become less individualized and more similar to each other and we realize what we are missing out in normal everyday social interaction.

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