Saturday, December 4, 2010

Naturalization example in commercials

This commercial implies that it is human nature for "stuff" to belong to a person, and that other people should not take them away. By using the child as an example, it shows that the most basic people with little knowledge of culture - children - know that it is wrong to steal. The commercial plainly says "Even kids know it's wrong to take other people's stuff" to emphasize this. The commercial is effective because we don't really think about it aside from agreeing with it, which shows that the idea of having property and that taking it away is naturalized in our society. "It's just the right thing to do."

It's sort of similar to the dog's playing poker paintings... the paintings propagate the idea that it's in the primal instincts of men to have a good time away from their wives. Here the commercial follows the idea that since even kids know it's wrong to steal, then it's wrong to steal for all people.

There is a series of similar commercials on youtube:

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