Thursday, March 31, 2011

"Parents Facebook the Darndest Things"

First and foremost, parents are people and people are allowed to do what ever they want, so in having facebook they are merely exercising their right to 'network', - this is perfectly acceptable. However, the object (or shall I say action) of my amusement in regards to our rents' using this social network device, is how they go about using it.

When parents 'facebook' they generally do one of three things (that we youngsters would never do):
- Give personal anecdotes
- Warn or caution wisely
- Use correct vernacular.

Admit it. Its funny.

Alright, so I suppose some of us do use proper grammar when we are commenting on our friends' pictures, communicate to our peers in a commanding and philosophizing way and even express the cliche status. Besides that, I still find that there is a comedy to be found in the divided style of communication between parents and their children, made so obvious, over the actions within facebook. Perhaps it is the age gap, in which style of talking is naturally different due to generational trends, or perhaps facebook is a 'scape' where friends communicate with friends, not parents. Anyway, here is an example from a friend's wall (my personal favorite) where his mother commented on a video, her name has been removed.

In response to a video someone posted of a 'large' primary school boy fighting back to his much 'smaller' bully ):

"Wow - not really the best course of action to take. However, bullying is a big problem which schools seem unable or unwilling to take care i guess kids are often left to fend for themselves. I hate bullies and bullying - parents and school need to "get with it" and find solutions." ----- -----

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