Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Mark Zukerberg and Cyborgs.

Maybe I’m creating my own perception about Mark Zuckerberg character, but I can’t be the only one who finds him in the Social Network to be a little bit creepy. Beyond the obvious lack of social skills and inability to hold a polite conversation, I find some characteristics about Mark Zuckerbergs personality to be unsettling. In the movie, he never seems to be satisfied over anything in his life, whether it is his relationship with Erica, the social recognition of from the elite, or the acknowledgment for his intelligence. This lack of satisfaction just reminds me in the oddest way of the cyborg shown in the Terminator clip. Think about it..… Throughout the entire movie, Mark Zuckerberg drive was to create this revolutionary social network in order to reach his desire of social acceptance. Ironically, as soon as he gets close to his desires, his focus changed and a new desire was created. For instance, in the first scene with Mark and Erica’s conversation, he makes it plainly obvious that he desires to get into the elite clubs, but the minute the Winklevoss twins give him some form of acceptance and recognition by involving him in creating their website, he avoids them, making excuse after excuse. His desires get larger and more unattainable and as he goes on, he continuously indulges in his drive, elaboration face book. Even when he become close to being worldly recognize, hitting over 1 000 000 hits, he still shows no true satisfaction, refraining from the celebration at the office.

Mark Zuckerberg character also lacks any form of normal social interaction. He’s so driven by his work, that he often disregards or cannot recognize the contributions of others when they don’t conform to his current desire and habitual drive. Mark continuously cuts off Eduardo whenever Eduardo wanted to talk about being punched or personal life, only giving him attention when it regarded Facebook or the expansion of Facebook. It’s not even the issue of jealously, his character is never truly happy or ecstatic. In fact, he’s never really even angry when he’s even supposed to be angry, such as when he’s blogging with Erica. He’s never fixated on an emotion, drunk blogging about her while continuously working on facesmash. He even seems to lack basics manners and ethics. What someone could argue as just immaturity can also be seen as Zukerbergs lack of social etiquette, belittling people whom in a normal situation would be respected. This is seen when he publicly stated that he the lawyer didn’t deserve his attention. When you think about these things as a whole, Mark Zukerman doesn’t truly seem human, but more like a cyborg,motivated by his drive towards this unattainable goal which he can never identity, doomed to continue on this path of habitual work with no true satisfaction.

1 comment:

  1. http://www.nybooks.com/articles/archives/2010/nov/25/generation-why/
