Sunday, October 17, 2010

The Mona Lisa

So continuing on with a previous lecture on turning art from cult like and religious to the political via replications, I was browsing around on youtube and thought about what we discussed in class. Interestingly enough I found a great example of art becoming something political:

Essentially it is a replica of the Mona Lisa created in MS Paint. I'm pretty sure that almost everyone in class has messed around with MS Paint and has access to it at home. Assuming you are as good as this artist in MS Paint you could technically just sit at your computer and make your own Mona Lisa replica. I just found it interesting how technology was being used here not for mass reproductions, but for the individual creation of the piece.

1 comment:

  1. I think that the fact that everyone has access to MS Paint adds to the impressiveness of the MS Paint drawing videos (there's quite a few of them on Youtube and around the net). Everyone has tried to make something on MS Paint, usually ending up with some squiggly lines, circles and blotches of paint from the spray-paint tool. But the process of trying to make something in Paint made us aware of how difficult it is, thereby giving us an understanding of the technical difficulties that go into a project like the MS Paint Mona Lisa, and understanding that we probably don't get with the original work.
