Tuesday, April 5, 2011

That doesn’t really offend me….

I was looking back to the lecture on what constituted as an offensive image and it had me thinking about what actually offends me. An image that is offensive is an image that is supposes to morally and physically disgust me and should not make public something private or bring down something highly regarded. When I take in these qualities and try to think of what images affect me in that way, I’ve come to the conclusion that I haven’t really seen or think of an image, which affects me to such a degree. Sure, some images will knock me off my feet for a few minutes with shock or embarrassment, but those images don’t make me physically sick or angered at all. Pictures or war, posters of explicit nudity and even taboo words or actions seen on television and film don’t truly offend me. I think the reason why I cant any medium truly offensive is become I’ve become so exposed to things which are supposed to be offensive in a way which it seems normal. I don’t mean that offensive material becomes naturalized into everyday life, but the fact that ‘to be offensive’ seems to be a trend or a goal people strive for. It appears that anyone who want to achieve recognition in the media aims to offend. From lady Gaga’s meat dresses to the creation of art over touch subjects, the derogative and disgraceful are the latest trend. New offensive material is also so frequently occurring in media that it makes if difficult to stop and internalize its meaning. The offensive has become very one dimensional, sort of like ‘hot media’, over sensory material which cannot resonate with people at the same level that it previously did before.

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